The Ten Characteristics Of Power For Optimal Living

Charlie Chaplin told the same joke 3 times. I/laughter 2/giggle 3/silence Then he asked this profound question; ”when you cannot laugh at the same joke again and again…then why do you choose to cry again and again on the same worry” …
To find authentic answers, why not read one of Michael’s books.
Life Enchantment Lectures
- Wellness
- Dis-ease Prevention
- Vital – Energetic Living
Stock Market And Commodity Investing
- Corporate Ethics
Prudent Highways To Preserve Assets
- Authentic Mental States Of Mind
- Mind Body Spirit Meditations
Book Michael for Zoom meetings for All: Groups, Organizations, Corporate or One-On-One
“All conflicts are formulated by differences in opinion. Are your opinions generating love and joy every moment you are on earth?” — Michael Levy
The Point of Life Show
After a break of 5 years, The Point of Life Show with 38.811 listens will broadcast every Saturday @ 10.00 AM EST on Blog Talk Radio. Michael levy will host; Exciting Interviews, Stimulating Talks, Energizing Philosophies, for anyone seeking the Truth, Wisdom & Joy to live a truly successful life.
Born To Talk Radio Show Podcast
If you had to take one show with you on a dessert island for the rest of your life this is it but don’t take my word for it. Listen in now and I guarantee you will listen to it over and over again until you begin to live the life God intended you to live.
Are You a Prisoner in Your Mind?
Interview By Anne Jennings
Listen in for 5 minutes… It may make all the difference in how you handle worry n anxiety for the rest of your life.