Enjoy Yourself, It’s Later Than You Think

Ten Reasons to buy Enjoy Yourself Its Later Than You Think
Do you know …
- Some people may be harboring a terrorist inside their head.
- How to break harmful habits.
- Worry kills more people than road accidents.
- Reasons fad diets don’t help to keep weight balanced.
- Negative emotions are not real and do not need to be endured.
- Who or what God is and why you need to know.
- Who or what the Devil is and if he is real where is he at this moment in time.
- How to define and achieve prosperity.
- Some people make success seem easy
- What choices to make to keep the brain filled with happy dancing neurons
A Few of Michael’s Quotes
If most experts kept their opinions to themselves and just spoke the truth, they would be speechless.
Any fear that is acknowledged as a reality will become the bondage that incarcerates the mind.
People who make tons of money working at things they do not enjoy sell themselves into normal slavery… Success and prosperity simply comes from enjoying what you do naturally
If we could devise ways of bottling the hot air spoken by politicians and the media there would never be an energy crises.
If we filter truth, as fine, as fine can be, we will never find an opinion.
One cheerful, loving snowflake holds the weight to cause an avalanche of peace & joy.
Michael Levy. Professional Optimist